Thursday 20 January 2011

The Persuit of Subspace

I have got it into my head that I can subspace, even if evidence points in a whole other way. I love reading Alternative Mindsets and about her floating away. (And if you haven't read the blog, I suggest you get over there and read it... Hey hey hey, not until you've finished with mine!) It is something I have always wanted to experince, my ex used to subspace really easy, and it looked like a lot of fun. Then I went through my little "no way, this isn't real, someone made it up to sell tea and sugary things" phase.

This phase is very much over and done with. I'm a pretty stubborn person, always have been and always will be. I wanted to learn to squirt and I did. My record is meters and I am very proud. Not that I've been able to do it for a long time. I'm really getting off the point here. Somebody hit the breaks on this train of thought!

Right back onto the matter at hand that you've come here to read. (I've noticed my stuff on subspace seems to be the most popular so I figured I'd talk about it a little more.) Anyway, so this is going to turn into my journey into finding my subspace. It begins here and now! Well, maybe not now, I have a dinner to cook, laundry to put away. So everyone wish me luck and lets see where this goes!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the mention :)

    I do agree that some people seem to subspace very easily, although in all honesty have seen some at clubs and was pretty damn sure they were faking it for the audience lol.

    I wish you luck in your pursuit of this seemingly elusive (to you) place. Am sure you will get there with the assistance of the right person and the right atmosphere x
