Saturday 22 January 2011

Spirit's Subspace Adventure

Right as you guys know I am on the subspace mission. No I don't have a rocket yet, but I sure as hell wish it required one! So how is it going? Well, honestly, slower than a crippled snail. I have a LOT of dom friends and of course I did have Fyn until he decided he preferred being a pain in the arse sub. I think I know the person I want to help me on this little mission. But this kind of thing you can't very well have just anyone. There has to be trust, and it doesn't happen overnight. Hell if it did it wouldn't be so much as an adventure as much as it would be a trip to the shops!

So I think there are wheels in motion, but the turning is all a bit unknown for now. But I will be keeping this updated, and I have a quiet day tomorrow in which to hopefully finish that story!

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